Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Côte d'Azur: Saint-Raphaël

Heading over to Guy & Claudine’s place (my bro’s inlaws) to see everyone was very exciting. It was definitely the highlight of the trip seeing Dave & Lili, but mostly Jojo (who I’d last seen in January and who’s just turned 2). They were playing in the pool when we arrived and I quickly joined them.

Hanging out with everyone was great. Jo is saying lots of words but it’s a bit strange when she does because you’re never sure if they’re going to be in English or French. Playing in the pool together she’ll be like ‘the ball, the ball’ (aka give it to me now) and then ‘bateau’ (for boat). So cute.

Lazing by the pool at the hotel the following morning after stuffing my face with pastry from the buffet breakfast was very relaxing. Manda & Fearg arrived the night before (early in the morning after their flight was delayed by 3 hours!) and joined us for breakfast and some pool action. 

Afterwards we explored the centre of St Raphael and then headed over to Guy & Claudine’s to see the extended fam.

There was some present opening.

And then some tickling (this brings back horrible memories for me).

We went for a walk up and around L’Esterel and took in some scenery. It was nice sibling bonding time.

Manda led the way:

Dinner back at the house was delicious pizzas created by Dave, with lots of wine on the side. And then the deserts came out. *Drool* Gateau. Times three. There was one giant raspberry macaron thing with berries and cream in the middle, one layered chocolate amazingness and another layered with chocolate, caramel and nuts. The French know how to make cakes.

The whole reason for this excursion was to celebrate/ witness (I’m not sure of the right word here) the baptism of Jojo. There is nothing like getting dressed up (I was wearing heels but I switched to sandals pretty soon after because my feet were too hot!) and heading to an hour and a half of French mass in a church with only one ceiling fan. I’m sure the service was lovely (I’ve been told it was very detailed) but not understanding any of it was very boring. And it was really hot. And I got sweaty. Then after that the actual baptism started.

Jojo looked very pretty in her pink and white outfit – I’m sorry I didn’t take any photos.

We all headed back to Guy & Claudine’s place for lunch which included prosciutto & melon, foie gras, cheese, salmon, sea bass with hollandaise and delicious salads. Then out came the cakes. We had one Saint Honoré gateau which was like a custardy tart with cream on top and little caramel choux pastry filled with custard on the edge. Oh my goodness.  Then came out the petit fours – little chocolate, lemon, strawberry, raspberry, caramel, custard filled tarts. So. Much. Goodness.

On a side note – in October I’ll have a nephew! This is not really new news but it was super great seeing the bump in France so I thought I’d mention it. 

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