Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hyde Park Squirrels

I. Love. Squirrels.

Possibly the best thing about living in the UK, these little mammals make me so happy with their cute little faces and big bushy tails. I have been to Hyde Park a number of times (it's usually a pretty reliable squirrel watching spot because they're all so tame there) with a bag of nuts to feed them. All the while, locals walk past giving me disgusted looks. It probably should bother me but I really don’t care that some others think they are vermin. Possums, rats, grey pigeons even, are about 100 times worse in my opinion!

Anyway, I ventured to Hyde Park one particularly pretty spring day with Sam and fed some squirrels. It was the highlight of my week. Some other (asian) tourists even came along and took photos of me feeding the squirrels. It made me blush.

Here are some pics of us in Hyde Park and my super cute, furry friends - squirrels!

Ps. I saw one climbing a tree today on my way home. Today was a good day. 

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