After having spent the (almost) last three months in London, and being someone who enjoys making lists, here are some of my favourite/ not so favourite things.
Things that are great about London:
- The weather (so far). Come back to me in couple of months or so.
- Eat and Pret. Oh-so close to work and oh-so delicious.
- There’s always something happening. Sunday was looking a little uneventful so I headed for a feast in the field.
- Europe is so close. Obv this was the main reason to come to this side of the world.
- Long train trips = excellent reading time. My daily commute is currently 2 hours per day and while it is a little draining, I get to read a new book every week!
- So. Many. Shops. Every street I walk down the ££ are sucked out of my account because I have no self control (maybe this should be in the things I don’t like list too... hmmm).
- The tube. While it gets really busy and gross and sweaty, it’s still the best way to get around.
- Sitting at front on the top level of the double decker buses. Yes, I will pretend to drive it I’m in the mood.
- Made in Chelsea. Guilty pleasures.
- Cheap drinks and trips to the pub.
- Rooftop bars.
- Riding a bike. It's flat and there are no Auckland drivers.
- So. Much. History.
- Squirrels.
Things that are not so great:
- People never smile.
- I’m constantly misunderstood when I say things like ‘pants’ and ‘jandals’.
- The proliferation of pre-packaged sandwiches.
- The obsession with having a tan. I came to grips with my pale skin a long time ago but apparently brits can’t accept being pale. After a holiday I was greeted with ‘You’re not tanned?’, ‘Why aren’t you tanned?’, ‘Did it rain?’ No, no – I’m just pale.
- Missing out on Georgie Pie (all your posts on FB do not help either!)
- People stripping off and sunbathing in parks like it’s a beach. It’s not a beach.
- People getting in the way. Yes I am running late for my train, and yes I will get angry if you stand on the wrong side of the escalator.
- Black snot.