Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Learning to Snowboard in Chamonix

I don't have the most thorough knowledge of French ski towns and the mountains... but Chamonix is spectacular and definitely one of the best. 

In March last year, I was invited on a snowboarding trip to this lovely town. Having barely ever skied before, and definitely never boarded, it was an experience to say the least. But at least Sam and I looked the part. 

We stayed in an amazing chalet, equipped with hot tub, sauna and six bedrooms, each with their own ensuite. I felt fancy. The views of the mountains weren't half bad either...

Most of the time I spent on the kiddie slopes perfecting my turns and trying to interpret what my French instructor meant by 'lift your outside toes' (when you want me to shift my weight on to a different foot, surely this doesn't narrow down either foot?). Oh and there were snow angels. 

Just to prove that we did actually learn something, here are a couple of videos of Sam and I carving it up*.

On the second day, I ventured up to the proper slopes with the others but it was a bit premature and on seeing the size and gradient of the slope, I sat down and refused to move for about half an hour. I did eventually make it down, but there were tears! I am sometimes not as hardcore as I'd like to think. 

And of course there was some irresponsible drinking with Keith Richards. 

Even though I say this of most places, I will definitely be back. 

*Video has been edited to remove parts where I fall on my face.

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