Saturday, August 9, 2014


I'm about ten months behind with posts... Time to get back up to date!

While in Bath with my parents in October 2013, we also went to Stonehenge. A lot of people I've spoken to say they were very underwhelmed by the experience and that they were disappointed they weren't able to walk in among the stones. It would have been great to get closer but I wasn't at all disappointed!

I love the touristy audio guides and hearing the stories of times past. Stonehenge is pretty amazing when you consider it was built 4000 or 5000 years ago as a burial site and an astronomical observatory. Stones were brought from Wales, 240 miles away, which is no light feat considering they weigh up to four ton! 

There are more than 900 of these stone rings around the British Isles (another is at Glastonbury!). 

I think my favourite thing is the perfect geometry and mathematics used to align with the midwinter sunset and midsummer sunset. It's also aligned with the most northerly setting and most southerly rising of the moon. Resulting in pictures like this (not my photo). 

Here are a couple of the pictures I took.

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